Thursday, April 28, 2011

Aries Space Scene

Started to get a space scene put together for the "Aries" project still a lot to do. Ship model is by Travis Auerbeck.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Aries - Alien Temple exterior

Still have lots of work to do, but for the most part I have the level layout for the outdoor level for the Aries games project. The trees were created using " Speedtree." The sky and distant mountain were created using Vue. There are some wip images below on how I created the mountains.

 Real time render inside the UDK

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Alien Temple Architecture

Two work in progress images of the outside of the alien temple.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Vue to UDK

After a long day of trial and error, computer lock ups and crashes I have managed to get a Vue terrain and bake the normal info to a low poly object and render it in real-time with the UDK.

UDK render, one terrain instanced and scaled several times.

Maya view port render

Vue 8.5 terrain editor